Martin Caust
Selected graphs 4.4
Figure 4.4 Comparison of Times series of Year 3, 5 and 7 Teacher and Test Data –Reading (values estimated from original graphs in Victorian Auditor-General, 2009)
The trends for Teacher
and Test assessments track very consistently but with greater
variability around the general trend for the test assessments.
This is partly due to the limited response options for teachers (3 per
level up to 2005, 4 per level after 2005) relative to the divisions
available for the test scale (at least 10 per level). Note the
different trends at each Year level. At Year 3 the scores are
very similar. At Year 5 teachers assessments are consistently
above the test assessment. At Year 7the same pattern applies. One explanation for the consistent difference
is a slightly different calibration of the teacher perspective relative
to the test. However it is noted that this difference is very
consistent across calender years, with different populations of
students each year. These data include almost all students at
each Year level, that is they are not a sample.
Return to Selected Graphs.
Compare with England data in Figure 4.1.